Muskox Immersion Weekend: Connect, Learn, Grow

What it’s all about.

This year our two day immersion is focused on connection, making sense of our experiences and growing into next steps as individuals and as a community.

We will blend an understanding of how we are wired, how we are impacted by trauma, and how an embodiment of wonder can not only support us, but also open the door to play with possibilities. Our hope is that you walk away with new ideas around how to support yourself, and to feel better equipped to support others. 

Who, When, Where.

This weekend is not the same as our monthly chapter meetings. Our time together happens indoors and outdoors. We will blend educational content with time to connect to each other and the land. 


  • Doors are open to folks who have been impacted by trauma or loss in the mountains AND those aiming to support people in our adventure communities. 

  • While this circle is not a substitute for therapy or critical incident support, it is an opportunity to deepen self awareness and open to the support of people who get it. 

We have a maximum participant number of 30 people. Registration will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. 


September 21 & 22, 2024 — 9am-4pm 


A 15-minute drive east of Canmore - directions will be sent to all registered participants.

Camping Option:

Confirmed registrants have an option to camp on site for a fee. After registration is confirmed we can follow up with details

Meet the Facilitators

Our immersion weekend is an opportunity for people from mountain communities all over to gather, learn, and grow together. Each year the weekend takes on a different flavour, highlighting into the passions and skillsets of the facilitators who carry us through the experience. 

  • John is a wellness and high-performance practitioner specializing in opening pathways to personal evolution. Through his doctorate research in performance psychology, practice as a registered body-mind therapist, and connections with various spiritual traditions, John has cultivated a unique skill-set. He has an expanded vision for his clients. His progressive and relevant contributions to the field of human performance enhancement are internationally sought after.

    Free Flow: Embodied Mental Training

  • Sydney supports professionals and recreationists in the adventure community through nervous system and polyvagal informed practice. She co-founded the Sea to Sky chapter of Mountain Muskox and facilitated circles for the first nine months before stepping into a support role for the organization.

    Sydney holds an undergraduate degree in outdoor recreation leadership, a graduate degree in counselling, and is trained in Somatic Experiencing trauma therapy. She has spent over a decade working professionally in the outdoor industry as an instructor, river guide and ski coach. Sydney connects with individual and consulting clients across the country through her virtual practice, Back to Earth Counselling.  

Cost & Registration.

Cost, Sliding Scale:

  • The suggested investment in this weekend is a sliding scale between $200-$500 (or more, if you feel you are able). 

  • The cost taken on by Mountain Muskox to run this weekend is $12,000 and our maximum participant number is 30 people. We are hoping that by offering a sliding scale we’ll be able to cover a significant portion (or maybe all!) of the associated costs. 

  • If you have a great desire to attend but this price range is out of reach for you at the moment, please let us know and we will navigate on a case by case basis.

Registration Process:

Please complete this form to express your interest and ability to attend.

We will respond to your registration as soon as we can and will accept registration on a first come first serve basis. We have a maximum number of 30 participants. 

Questions? Contact us.

Fill out this contact form or email us:

Thank you for being here.

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